NACA Congratulates Acting FAA Administrator Chris Rocheleau

In response to the appointment of Chris Rocheleau as Acting Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, National Air Carrier Association President and CEO George Novak issued the following statement:
On behalf of NACA’s members, we congratulate Chris Rocheleau on his appointment as Acting Administrator of the FAA. His decades of service to the aviation community both in and out of government make him an outstanding choice to lead the FAA during this critical juncture. We look forward to working with him and his team on the many challenges facing the aviation sector, and ensuring that our National Airspace System remains the gold standard for aviation safety worldwide.

NACA Congratulates New DOT Secretary Sean Duffy

In response to Senate confirmation of Sean Duffy as the next Secretary of the Department of Transportation, National Air Carrier Association President and CEO George Novak issued the following statement:
“We commend the Senate for swiftly confirming Sean Duffy to be the next DOT Secretary, and congratulate Congressman Duffy. The bipartisan support he received on Capitol Hill is indicative of his strong qualifications for the position.
There are many challenges facing the aviation industry, including repealing regulations that do not enhance the customer experience or safety; modernizing pilot training standards to increase the supply of commercial airline pilots while enhancing safety; increasing air traffic controller staffing in Florida; mitigating runway incursions; and expediting the deployment of NextGen. We need significant collaboration and cooperation across government and all industry stakeholders to foster continuing growth and safety in the airline industry.
We look forward to working with Congressman Duffy and his team to ensure that our National Airspace System remains the gold standard for aviation safety worldwide.”

NACA congratulates new DHS Secretary Kristi Noem

In response to Senate confirmation of former South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem as the next Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, National Air Carrier Association President and CEO George Novak issued the following statement:

“On behalf of the member carriers of the National Air Carrier Association, we congratulate Governor Noem on her confirmation as the next Secretary of Homeland Security. NACA carriers cooperate closely and collaboratively with DHS and TSA on security issues across the board. We look forward to working with Secretary Noem and her team to ensure that air transportation in the United States remains safe and secure.”

NACA Congratulates New DOD Secretary Pete Hegseth

In response to Senate confirmation of Pete Hegseth as the next Secretary of the Department of Defense, National Air Carrier Association President and CEO George Novak issued the following statement:
“On behalf of the member carriers of the National Air Carrier Association, we congratulate Mr. Hegseth on his confirmation as the next Secretary of Defense. NACA carriers provide cargo, charter and scheduled passenger air transport service to move personnel and materials around the world on a daily basis. They also stand ready to support the supplemental lift requirements through the Civil Reserve Air Fleet program in the case of emergencies. We look forward to working with Mr. Hegseth and his team to ensure that the supplemental lift requirements of DOD are met.”

NACA thanks former TSA Administrator Pekoske for his service

In response to press reports of the departure of Transportation Security Administrator David Pekoske, National Air Carrier Association President and CEO George Novak issued the following statement:

On behalf of the members of the National Air Carrier Association, we thank former TSA Administrator David Pekoske for his service to the aviation community. Administrator Pekoske was a highly effective leader of a vital agency and closely collaborated with industry to achieve consistently positive results. Aviation security dramatically improved under his watch, earning bipartisan respect and support. We wish him well in his future endeavors.

NACA Congratulates DOT Nominee Sean Duffy

In response to President-elect Trump’s announcement nominating former Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wisc.) to be the next Secretary of Transportation, National Air Carrier Association President and CEO George Novak issued the following statement:

We congratulate Congressman Duffy on his nomination to be the next Secretary of Transportation and urge the Senate to confirm him expeditiously when the next Congress convenes. We look forward to working with him to ensure the safe, affordable and efficient delivery of air services to consumers, shippers and government partners.

It’s vitally important for our carriers to have a cooperative and collaborative relationship with DOT on the many challenges facing the U.S. airline industry, as they form a critical element of our nation’s transportation infrastructure and make a strong contribution to our national security through supplemental airlift capabilities for our military. In particular, we look forward to working with President-elect Trump’s team to identify and, where appropriate, rescind and eliminate costly and burdensome regulations that have only increased the cost of flying without enhancing safety or the passenger experience.

NACA Commends Senate Passage of FAA Reauthorization

In response to passage of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 by the Senate, National Air Carrier Association President and CEO George Novak issued the following statement:

NACA congratulates Senate Commerce Committee Chair Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) and Ranking Member Ted Cruz (R-Texas), House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chair Sam Graves (R-Mo.) and Ranking Member Rick Larsen (D-Wash.), for working on a bipartisan basis to enact The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024, a five-year bill to reauthorize the FAA and NTSB.  This timely, sweeping legislation will ensure that the U.S. continues to maintain the safest, most efficient airspace system in the world.

We are especially grateful that many NACA priorities were addressed in the bill, including: (1) modernizing pilot training programs to increase pilot supply and enhance pilot performance; (2) refraining from imposing new or higher taxes and fees on passengers; (3) addressing the shortage of air traffic controllers at major ATC facilities in Florida; (4) authorizing more funding and resources for the NTSB; and (5) protecting air service to small and rural communities.  We commend the Senate for passing the bill last night with strong bipartisan support and urge the House to follow suit next week.

NACA applauds “Airport Gate Competition Act”

In response to the introduction of the “Airport Gate Competition Act,” National Air Carrier Association President and CEO George Novak issued the following statement:


NACA and its member airlines commend Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) for introducing the Airport Gate Competition Act to increase airline competition by enhancing access to airport gates. These gates – in many cases under exclusive control of network airlines – are not being utilized for nearly half the day at 75 percent of the top 40 U.S. airports. NACA’s ultra-low-cost carriers (ULCCs) are ready and able to provide new or expanded service to many of these airports, but are effectively shut out of access to gates and other facilities like ticket counters and baggage claim areas.
This bipartisan, common-sense bill would require airports planning to use revenue from passenger facility charges to fund new terminals to ensure that no more than 50 percent of gates and other airport terminal facilities be exclusive to any one airline and that at least 25 percent of gates and facilities be available for common use by all airlines serving the airport.  By removing restrictions to gate access, the bill will help drive down average fares and expand service options for consumers by facilitating new or expanded ULCC service. We urge Senate and Houses transportation leaders to include this timely legislation in the pending FAA Reauthorization bill.

NACA Congratulates New FAA Administrator Michael Whitaker

In response to Senate confirmation of Michael Whitaker as the next Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, National Air Carrier Association President and CEO George Novak issued the following statement:

“We commend the Senate for swiftly confirming Michael Whitaker to be the next FAA Administrator. The agency has been without permanent leadership for entirely too long, and we’re relieved that the FAA can finally move forward on the many challenges facing the aviation industry, including modernizing pilot training standards to increase the supply of commercial airline pilots while enhancing safety; increasing air traffic controller staffing in Florida; mitigating runway incursions; and expediting the deployment of NextGen.

Mike’s experiences as former deputy administrator of the agency, private pilot, and airline executive make him well-positioned to work collaboratively with all stakeholders. The overwhelming bipartisan support he received on Capitol Hill, along with the endorsement of all major aviation stakeholders, is indicative of his strong qualifications for the position. We congratulate Mike and look forward to working with him and his team to ensure that our National Airspace System remains the gold standard for aviation safety worldwide.”

DOT Launches Public Awareness Campaign for Air Travelers with Disabilities

In preparation for the busy holiday travel season, and in celebration of the 37th anniversary of the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA), the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) today announced that it has launched a campaign, #AccessibleAirTravel, to raise awareness about the right of air travelers with disabilities to safe, dignified, and accessible air travel.

To read DOT’s release, please click here.

To read DOT’s Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights, please click here.

To view DOT’s video on the Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights, please click here.